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David Intlekofer is Eastern Christian School’s next High School Principal (more here). Mr. Intlekofer recently sat down for an interview so that EC families can get to know him and his family before they arrive this summer.

What attracted you and your family to move to northern New Jersey and to work for Eastern Christian School?

The school was our determining factor in moving to New Jersey. There is an added bonus of being close to family (my brother and cousins live in Manhattan, and the rest of our family lives only 3 hours away in Maryland), but honestly the reputation and excellence of EC was what attracted us to the area.

Tell us about your family and how they are looking forward to the move.

My wife, Kristen, and I have been married for 15 years (we started dating in high school and got married after our junior year in college). Kristen is an editor/communications officer, and has worked for various universities and non-profits. Our son, Joel, is almost four years old, and he is currently really fascinated with space, super heroes, construction trucks, and playing in the dirt.

We are all looking forward to the transition to New Jersey, and we are eager to move into our new home. Joel is most excited about snow, although I can’t say I’m thrilled with the prospect of shoveling… (ask me again in January if I’m happy I left California) Kristen is really happy about getting more time with her sister and for Joel to spend time with all of his cousins.

What have your experiences been in Christian education prior to coming to EC?

I am a Christian school “lifer”—I went K-12 to Annapolis Area Christian School, and then I returned there after college to teach Bible and Language Arts for 10 years. My mom also taught at the school for 27 years, and she even taught me in middle school. Most recently, I have been the principal at San Jose Christian School in California. I have had the privilege of overseeing fifteen different grade-levels, from infants all the way to 8th grade.

Why do you think a Christian education is important for families to consider?

To me, the only truly excellent education is a Christian school education, because it is built upon the foundational Truth of the Bible. Without a foundation in Truth, learning is incomplete and untethered to greater things. In addition, a Christian school education (when done well, like at EC) shows students that their faith can and should impact every single facet of their lives. The integration of faith in every subject and the ever-present example of Godly teachers makes the investment in Christian education the greatest gift a parent can give a child.

We know it’s early, but what do you love most about Eastern Christian School so far?

I love the energy! When I visited, I was in town for less than 44 hours, and 24 of those hours were spent in meetings or interviews. Yet somehow I left more energized than when I arrived!

Everyone I talked to was excited about EC and the work being done, the growth we have experienced, and the new programs that have been implemented. Teachers were eager to talk about their professional growth plans, and students were quick to point out the many things they love about the school. EC is clearly a place that embraces its 125-year history while still innovating and looking toward and even brighter future. There is a lot to be excited about!

How do you hope to make a difference in the lives of Eastern Christian high school students in your role as High School principal?​

As principal, my job is to ensure that every student gets the best possible Christian education that can be offered. I hope to strengthen our already wonderful programs and encourage new ideas that will broaden the educational experience of our students. I want every teacher to work together to ensure that EC graduates will be transforming agents in the world, whether they go on to college or the military or the mission field or the workforce.

I also have a heart for students who are new to the high school (I will be new myself), and I want to make sure that everyone—whether it is their first year at EC or their thirteenth—feels pride in being an eagle and ownership of EC. My prayer is that if I ask anyone “Whose school is this?” the response will be, “God’s, and mine!”